William A. Davison - guitar, invented instruments, amplified objects, voice, percussion, electronics, etcetera
W.A.Davison is a multidisciplinary artist who has been producing various forms of experimental art and music for over 40 years. He studied fine art at the Nova Scotia College of Art and Design and experimental/electronic music composition with Prof. Steve Tittle at Dalhousie University.
In addition to numerous solo projects (The Bim Prongs, Songs of the New Erotics, Th W rbl r, Panic Engines, M.Stactor, etc.), Davison has collaborated with many prominent musicians in the fields of improvised music, experimental music, and noise - Zev Asher (Nimrod), Aidan Baker, Johannes Bergmark, Black Hole Factory, Alan Bloor (Knurl), Bohman Brothers, Arthur Bull, Allison Cameron, tENTATIVELY a. cONVENIENCE, Robert Dayton (July Fourth Toilet), Paul Dutton (CCMC), Michael Evans (God Is My Co-Pilot), Sandy Ewen, Janet Feder, Simon H. Fell, Mark Gane (Martha and the Muffins), Government Alpha, Zan Hoffman, Christoph Irmer, Istvan Kantor, Nobuo Kubota, Andrew Liles (NWW), Pierre-Yves Martel, Eugene Martynec, Marcio Mattos, Hal McGee, Glenn Milchem (Blue Rodeo), Anton Mobin, Phil Morton, MSBR, Tatsuya Nakatani, Neighborhood Public Radio, Nihilist Spasm Band, Nurse With Wound, Dylan Nyoukis, Tim Olive, John Oswald (CCMC), Evan Parker, Nilan Perera, Colin Potter (NWW), Eddie Prevost (AMM), Stan Reed (Blue Sabbath Black Cheer), Neal Retke ({An} EeL), Brian Ruryk, Gregory Scharpen (Thomas Carnacki, irr.app.(ext.)), Sam Shalabi, Paul Shearsmith (Echo City), Michael Snow (CCMC), Sound Of The Mountain, Steven Stapleton (NWW), Martin Tetrault, Steve Tittle, Ute Völker, Matt Waldron (irr.app.(ext.), NWW), Tony Wren, Michelle Yom.
Davison founded or co-founded the experimental ensembles Urban Refuse Group, Sen/Son (w/Arnd Jurgensen), Fade/Dissolve (w/David Story and Gordon Way), Wax Infant (w/Jim DeJong), Magic Tits (various members), Brutt Luddite (w/Mike Hansen), Cinder (w/Daeve Fellows and Nigel Craig), Eel Prongs (w/Neal Retke) and Six Heads. He has also been a member of various groups such as Alien Life Bomb, Artwordchestra, Conspiracy Of Familiar Objects, EO3, Full Metal Racket, Gastric Female Reflex, Nakatani Gong Orchestra, Orchestre Royal Odradek, Phycus, Property Damage, Puppet Government, Quincunx, Red Lantern, Sounds Of North American Adult Bookstores, and Strung.
Davison's work has been presented at festivals such as Colour Out Of Space (Brighton, UK), Spleencoffin (Baltimore, USA), Sound Symposium (St. John's, Canada), Radiophrenia (Glasgow, Scotland), Suoni Per Il Popolo (Montreal, Canada), TodaysArt (Den Hague, NL), Art Basel (Basel, Switzerland), Violence of the Imagination (Brighton, UK), Electric Eclectics (Meaford, Canada), Dictaphonia Fest (Gainesville, USA), Resistor Fest (Austin, USA), and The Whitney Biennial (New York City, USA), as well as at various events in Toronto, Montreal, Halifax, Quebec City, London (Can.), London (UK), New York, San Francisco, Paris, Berlin, Tokyo, Buenos Aires, Stockholm, Cairo, Alexandria, and Sydney.
Davison was a recipient of an Acker Award in 2018. He was also awarded a Toronto Arts Council composers grant in 1995, project grants from the Canada Council and the Ontario Arts Council in 2000, 2003, and 2005, and a Canada Council professional musicians grant in 2013. He has created commissioned works for radio and live performances; live, ambient soundscapes for numerous visual art, dance, and performance art events; film soundtracks; and creative mixing/live sound engineering for performances by Linda Montano, Diane Landry, Istvan Kantor, and others. Davison's recorded work has appeared on over 500 albums, film and video soundtracks, and radio art broadcasts, distributed on his own labels, Rembrandt X-Ray, Anathema, and Disembraining Songs, and many other labels around the world.
Since 2017 he has produced several year-long radio art projects - Stactorm Radioo (2017), The Long Play (2018), Stactirrm Radioo (w/Matt Waldron, 2019), and RE/CYCLING (2020).
In performance, W.A.Davison practices a form of "electroacoustic improvisation" which is more in line with the origins and early uses of that term than with contemporary interpretations. Davison rarely uses laptops or other mobile computing devices in his performances, focusing instead on amplified objects, homemade instruments, cheap or broken electronic devices, modified tape recorders and turntables, voice, tabletop percussion, extended technique and preparations as applied to guitar and other instruments, and fairly minimal electronic processing (effects pedals). In his compositions, Davison uses linux-based desktop computers running free and open-source software to record, manipulate, arrange, mix, and master a wide variety of sound sources.
More info at www.recordism.com. Email: northmutator at gmail dot com
Canada - Bill Abominog (Phycus) +++ Freida Abtan +++ Jonathan Adjemian +++ Ken Aldcroft +++ Zoë Alexis-Abrams +++ Gordon Allen +++ Tréson Alman (The Human Rights) +++ Matthew Anonymous +++ Bernie Arai +++ Zev Asher (Nimrod, Roughage) +++ Robert Atwood (U.R.G., Cane Toad Orchestra) +++ James Bailey (Six Heads, Odradek) +++ James Bain (Phycus) +++ Aidan Baker +++ Tom Baker +++ Victor Bateman +++ Laura C. Bates (Volur) +++ Connor Bennett +++ Alan Bloor (Knurl, Pholde) +++ John Boyle (Nihilist Spasm Band) +++ Bryan W. Bray (Gates/Cetacea) +++ Jubal Brown +++ Robin Buckley +++ Nick Buligan +++ Arthur Bull +++ Jared Burrows +++ Allison Cameron +++ Rod Campbell +++ Dave Carey (Woodchoppers Association) +++ Christopher Cauley +++ Dave Clark (Woodchoppers Association) +++ Ryan Clark +++ Zach Clark +++ Joda Clement +++ Rob Clutton +++ Ron Cole (Rust Brothers) +++ Maury Coles +++ Dame Cook +++ Charlotte Cornfield +++ Kevin Crump (Disguises, Roman Pilates) +++ Tim Cuff +++ Brian Damage (Phycus) +++ Jada D’Aversa +++ Robert Dayton (Canned Hamm, July Fourth Toilet) +++ Jim DeJong (Infant Cycle) +++ Emily Denison +++ G.C.Denton +++ Robert Denton +++ Terrence Dick (Rust Brothers) +++ Carl Didur +++ Ryan Driver +++ Christine Duncan +++ James Duncan (Woodchoppers Association) +++ Matt Dunn +++ Paul Dutton (CCMC) +++ Suzanne Farkas +++ Linda Feesey (Six Heads) +++ Colin Fisher (Not The Wind Not The Flag) +++ Alex Fournier +++ Nick Fraser +++ Mark Gane (Martha and the Muffins, M+M) +++ Chris Gehman +++ Kristyn Gelfand (Maracatu Mar Aberto) +++ Glen Hall +++ Mark Hamilton +++ Jason Hammer +++ HanHan +++ Mike Hansen +++ Rupert Ojiji Harvey (Messenjah, Crack of Dawn) +++ Luis Hernandez +++ Sherri Lyn Higgins (Six Heads, The Recordists) +++ Colin Hinz (Six Heads, Forktine) +++ Jacob Horwood (Gastric Female Reflex) +++ Blake Howard +++ Michelangelo Iaffaldano (Odradek) +++ Watson Jennison +++ Katie Jensen (Baby Cages) +++ Arnd Jurgensen +++ Istvan Kantor/Monty Cantsin/Amen +++ Michael Keith +++ Tiina Kiik +++ Jenn Kitagawa (Eyeballs) +++ Tomasz Krakowiak +++ Nobuo Kubota +++ Bea Labikova +++ Guy LeBlanc +++ Joel Leblanc +++ David Lee +++ Brenda Joy Lem +++ Marc Lemyre +++ Germaine Liu +++ Cloe Lum +++ Michael Lynn +++ Stephen Maher +++ Steve Markowsky (Phycus) +++ Kye Marshall +++ Mira Martin-Gray +++ Eugene Martynec +++ Pierre-Yves Martel +++ John McCullough (U.R.G.) +++ Glenn Milchem (Blue Rodeo, Vital Sines) +++ Elizabeth Millar (Sound Of The Mountain) +++ Daria Morgacheva +++ Peter Mosher (Six Heads) +++ Paul Newman +++ Karen Ng +++ Cheryl O +++ Alia O’Brien +++ Mary Margaret O'Hara +++ Tim Olive +++ Mayo On’ry +++ Patrick O'Reilly +++ John Oswald (CCMC, Plunderphonics)+++ Mike Overton +++ Tena Palmer +++ Craig Pederson (Sound Of The Mountain) +++ Nilan Perera +++ Rob Piilonen +++ Ambrose Pottie (Crash Vegas, Plasterscene Replicas) +++ Matthew Poulakakis +++ Art Pratten (Nihilist Spasm Band) +++ David Prentice +++ Eldritch Priest +++ Alex Punzalan (DATU) +++ Scott Righteous (Bitter Harvest, Phycus) +++ Ronda Rindone +++ Raphael Roter +++ Brian Ruryk +++ Rick Sacks (Arraymusic, Glass Orchestra) +++ Heather Segger +++ Mark Segger +++ Ayal Senior +++ Sam Shalabi +++ Jon Shapiro (Disguises, Conspiracy Of Familiar Objects) +++ Lorne Shapiro +++ Debashis Sinha +++ Michael Snow (CCMC) +++ David Story +++ Jeremy Strachan +++ Avery Strok +++ Joe Strutt +++ Jester Sven +++ Martin Tetrault +++ Scott Thomson +++ Chris Trotter +++ Richard Vainio +++ Brandon Valdivia (Not The Wind Not The Flag) +++ Steve Venright +++ Bob Vespaziani +++ Gordon Way +++ Raphael Weinroth-Browne +++ Brodie West +++ Neil Wiernik (Naw) +++ John Wilson +++ Otis Wound +++ Andy Yue (Odradek) +++ Andrew Zukerman (Gastric Female Reflex, Fleshtone Aura)
Germany - Christoph Irmer +++ Martin Slawig (Black Hole Factory) +++ Elke Utermöhlen (Black Hole Factory) +++ Ute Völker
Italy - Paolo Gàiba Riva
Japan - Tatsuya Nakatani +++ Tim Olive +++ Koji Tano (MSBR) +++ Yasutoshi Yoshida (Government Alpha)
Spain - Pau Torres +++ Liba Villavecchia
Sweden - Susanna Akerlund (SU-EN Butoh Co.) +++ Johannes Bergmark +++ Tippi Tillvind
UK - David Aylward (Blurt) +++ Jonathon Bohman (Bohman Brothers) +++ Roger Ely +++ Simon Fell +++ Paul Hood +++ Andrew Liles (Nurse With Wound) +++ Marcio Mattos +++ Rob Mills +++ Phil Morton +++ Adrian Northover +++ Evan Parker +++ Colin Potter (Nurse With Wound) +++ Eddie Prevost (AMM) +++ Mark Sanders +++ Tom Scott +++ Paul Shearsmith (Echo City) +++ Steve Stapleton (Nurse With Wound) +++ Tony Wren
USA - Brian Abbott +++ Maxwell Boecker +++ Michael Evans +++ Sandy Ewen +++ Janet Feder +++ Richard Faulhaber (irr.app.(ext.)) +++ Eric Mingus +++ Tatsuya Nakatani +++ Neighborhood Public Radio +++ Stan Reed (Blue Sabbath Black Cheer) +++ Neal Retke ({An} EeL) +++ Gregory Scharpen (Thomas Carnacki, irr.app.(ext.)) +++ Moe Staiano +++ Steve Tittle +++ Matt Waldron (irr.app.(ext.), Nurse With Wound) +++ Michelle Yom
Bill Abominog (Phycus - Can.) +++ Frieda Abtan +++ Ken Aldcroft +++ Tréson Alman +++ Matthew Anonymous +++ Robert Atwood (U.R.G., Cane Toad Orchestra - Can./UK) +++ James Bailey (Six Heads - Can.) +++ James Bain (Phycus - Can.) +++ Laura C. Bates +++ Johannes Bergmark +++ Federico Bixert (MUWN - France) +++ Alan Bloor +++ Maxwell Boecker +++ Adam Bohman (Bohman Brothers, Morphogenesis - UK) +++ Bryan W. Bray +++ Brazilian Death Girls +++ Jubal Brown +++ Matthew Burnett (Odorbaby - USA/Ger.) +++ Allison Cameron +++ Rod Campbell (Can.) +++ Dave Catheter +++ Maxime Charnier +++ Zach Clark +++ John Clement (Nihilist Spasm Band) +++ tENTATIVELY a. cONVENIENCE (USA) +++ Dame Cook +++ Charlotte Cornfield +++ Nigel Craig +++ Tim Cuff +++ Art Damage (Phycus - Can.) +++ Brian Damage (Phycus - Can.) +++ Jada D’Aversa +++ Jim DeJong (Infant Cycle - Can.) +++ G.C.Denton (Can.) +++ Carl Didur +++ Ryan Driver +++ Christine Duncan +++ Paul Dutton +++ Evex31 +++ Sandy Ewen (Can/USA) +++ Suzanne Farkas +++ Murray Favro (Nihilist Spasm Band) +++ Daeve Fellows +++ Linda Feesey (Six Heads - Can.) +++ Alex Fournier +++ Mark Gane (Martha and the Muffins, M+M - Can.) +++ Thierry Gauthier (Phycus - Can.) +++ Stiofán de Geata +++ Kristyn Gelfand +++ John Gore (USA) +++ Mark Hamilton (Can.) +++ Scott Hamilton (Can.) +++ HanHan +++ Wilfried Hanrath (Ger.) +++ Mike Hansen +++ Rupert Ojiji Harvey +++ Joanne Hatfield (Can.) +++ Luis Hernandez +++ Sherri Lyn Higgins (Six Heads, The Recordists - Can.) +++ Colin Hinz (Six Heads, Forktine - Can.) +++ Zan Hoffman (USA) +++ Amanda Holmes (Ballooners - Can) +++ Paul Hood +++ Jacob Horwood (Gastric Female Reflex - Can.) +++ Todd Hunde (Phycus - Can.) +++ Michelangelo Iaffaldano (Odradek - Can.) +++ Jacek (The Doom Hammer) +++ Katie Jensen +++ Tim Jones (Pendro - UK) +++ Istvan Kantor/Monty Cantsin/Amen (Can.) +++ Tiina Kiik +++ Jenn Kitagawa +++ Max Kuiper (Les Horribles Travailleurs - NL) +++ Aaron Leaney +++ Brenda Joy Lem +++ LQ +++ Cloe Lum +++ Michael Lynn +++ Sharon MacDonald +++ Stephen Maher (Can.) +++ Steve Markowsky (Phycus - Can.) +++ Jonny Martin (UK) +++ Charlie Martineau +++ Mira Martin-Gray (Tendencyitis - Can.) +++ Eugene Martynec (Can.) +++ John McCullough (U.R.G. - Can.) +++ C. P. McDill +++ Hal McGee (USA) +++ Elizabeth Millar (Sound Of The Mountain - Can.) +++ Anton Mobin (France) +++ Daria Morgacheva +++ Phil Morton +++ Peter Mosher (Six Heads - Can.) +++ Alex Moskos +++ David Nadeau (Can.) +++ Tatsuya Nakatani (Nakatani Gong Orchestra - USA) +++ Daniel Noldor +++ Foe Noumenon (Phycus - Can.) +++ Dylan Nyoukis (Blood Stereo, Chocolate Monk - UK) +++ Alia O’Brien +++ Mary Margaret O'Hara +++ Tim Olive +++ Mayo On’ry +++ Claire Pannell (Furchick - Aus.) +++ Jaan Patterson (Surrism Phonoethics - Ger.) +++ Craig Pederson (Sound Of The Mountain - Can.) +++ Chris Petkus (USA) +++ Ambrose Pottie (Crash Vegas, Polka Dogs - Can.) +++ Art Pratten (Nihilist Spasm Band) +++ Eddie Prevost +++ Alex Punzalan +++ Neal Retke ({An} EeL - USA) +++ Scott Righteous (Phycus, Bitter Harvest - Can.) +++ Paolo Gaiba Riva +++ Shaun Robert (Institute For Alien Research - UK) +++ Raphael Roter +++ Brian Ruryk (Can.) +++ Ron Sakolsky +++ Gregory Scharpen (Thomas Carnacki, irr.app.(ext.) - USA) +++ Jon Shapiro (Disguises, Conspiracy Of Familiar Objects - Can.) +++ Lorne Shapiro (The Dream Sequins - Can.) +++ Debashis Sinha +++ Glenn Sogge (USA) +++ Steve Stapleton (Nurse With Wound - UK) +++ David Story +++ Avery Strok +++ Joe Strutt +++ Jester Sven +++ Pau Torres +++ Richard Vainio +++ Steve Venright +++ Bob Vespaziani (Can.) +++ Matt Waldron (irr.app.(ext.), Nurse With Wound - USA) +++ Burton Watson (Can.) +++ Charles Watson +++ Gordon Way +++ Raphael Weinroth-Browne +++ Brodie West +++ Neil Wiernik (Naw - Can.) +++ Otis Wound +++ Bruce X (Phycus - Can.) +++ Andy Yue +++ Andrew Zukerman (Gastric Female Reflex, Fleshtone Aura - Can.)
Has appeared on (full-lengths and single tracks): Rembrandt X-Ray (Canada) +++ Anathema (Canada) +++ Disembraining Songs (Canada) +++ Surrism Phonoethics (Germany) +++ Black Horizons (USA) +++ Psychform (USA) +++ RRRecords (USA) +++ Inyrdisk (Canada) +++ Wintage Records and Tapes (Canada) +++ Haltapes (USA) +++ Freedom In A Vacuum (Canada) +++ Kaka Tapes (Canada) +++ Mutant Cactus (Canada) +++ Chocolate Monk (UK) +++ Panpanpanaviandistresscall (USA/Can) +++ Musicus Phycus (Canada) +++ Total Zero (Canada) +++ Mute Sound (Spain) +++ No More Gun Violence (USA) +++ Autonomous Individuals Network (USA) +++ Classwar Karaoke (UK) +++ Dark Windows Press (UK) +++ Nine Day Antler Society (USA) +++ Readymades Tapes - Quality Since 1893 (USA) +++ Sonambula Editions (Canada) +++ Spleencoffin (USA) +++ 267 Lattajjaa (Finland) +++ ZH27 (USA) +++ Alethiometer (USA) +++ Plan Eleven (Canada) +++ Sculpturesque Productions (Canada) +++ Offerings (Canada) +++ No Label (Canada) +++ Tedium House (USA) +++ Little Bastard (Canada) +++ Static Hum (USA) +++ Errata In Excelsis (USA) +++ LSD_OTB (Canada) +++ Radical Matters (Italy) +++ Old Europa Cafe (Italy) +++ Beniffer Editions (Canada) +++ Gold Soundz (Norway) +++ Imvated (Belgium) +++ Implant (Hungary) +++ Doomsday Transmissions (Canada) +++ Terra Vox (Canada) +++ Blackened Death Records (UK) +++ Harsh Noise Movement (UK) +++ Control Valve (USA) +++ Paper+Sound (Canada) +++ No Records (France) +++ The Static Fanatic (USA) +++ Sounds From The Corridor (USA) +++ CEIL/The Ceiling (Canada) +++ ATTN Magazine (UK) +++ Live at the Music Gallery (Can) +++ Attenuation Circuit (Germany) +++ Connexion Bizarre (Portugal) +++ Audiopollination (Canada) +++ Bromtol Largesse (Antarctica) +++ Institute For Alien Research (UK) +++ Aversion To Reality (Canada)
The following "Discography" includes everything a traditional discography might include, i.e. appearances of W.A.Davison's work as a musician/improviser/composer/sound artist on vinyl records, compact discs, cassettes and, more recently, digital releases on various netlabels, Bandcamp, etc. The list also includes any other form of publishing/broadcasting where Davison's work is publicly accessible, such as film and video soundtracks and radio, television, and internet broadcasts and appearances, so long as the streams/downloads remain available online.
The discography is divided into four sections - 1) W.A.Davison projects, 2) projects co-founded by W.A.Davison, 3) other people's projects including W.A.Davison as a member, and 4) collaborations with other artists or projects.
1) W.A.Davison projects.
Angel Gang (solo project)
compilation appearances:
- "Carbon Cult Compilation Tape #1" cassette, 1985
Ballooners (W.A.Davison + Amanda Holmes)
compilation appearances:
- "Anniversary" digital album, 2022
Bandaged Man (solo project)
full-lengths, EPs, singles:
- "Dead Air" digital album, 2020
films and videos:
- "Shadows (with incidental sound)" video, 2020
broadcasts (radio, television, internet):
- "Muhmur Radio" radio program, July 6, 2023, Soundart Radio, UK (https://www.mixcloud.com/tamsin-jane-cammack/muhmur-radio-broadcast-6-july-2023/)
The Bim Prongs (solo project)
performance documents (video):
- "The Bim Prongs @ Artspace", 2016
- "The Bim Prongs - Kingston", 2016
- "The Bim Prongs - Kitchener", 2016
- "Bunker Riot - a Neoism 40 event May 24 2019 EMR 7772", 2019
- "Eskimo Costumes", 2016
- "William Davison - Sasquach III CD release show", 2015
films and videos:
- "Bim Prongs Promo 1" video, 2021
- "Bim Prongs Promo 2" video, 2021
- "Bim Prongs Promo 3" video, 2021
- "Picnic" video, 2020
- "Bad Core" video, 2021
- "Branches" video, 2020
- "Feathers" video, 2018
- "Rubber Mask" video, 2020
- "Scratchy Ball" video, 2020
- "Skiers" video, 2021
- "Studio Sounds" video, 2018
- Contribution to soundtrack for "Polymorph Bodyshop" video, 2019
compilation appearances:
- "Collaborations, Vol.1" digital album, 2020 (with {AN} EeL and Qkcofse)
- "CanNed DaDa Vol. 1" digital album, 2018
- "The Concept Of Work Was Forgotten" digital album, 2017 (with {AN} EeL)
- "CanNed DaDa Vol. 2" digital album, 2019
- "CanNed DaDa Vol. 1" digital album, 2018 (with Tendencyitis and {AN} EeL)
- "ATTN:SPAN" digital album, 2020
- "Davidurgic Neadors: Playing David Nadeau's Compositions" digital album, 2019
- "Duets Vol. 1" CD and digital album, 2019 (with {AN} EeL)
- "{EeL}~ Ixer - Vol 1 ::Performance Relic" digital album, 2016
- "Friends of Sounds & Noises, Vol. 2" CD and digital album, 2019
- "Gloggloa" digital album, 2020
- "It's Not Me, It's You" digital album, 2018 (with {AN} EeL)
- "Nodes" digital album, 2017 (with {AN} EeL and Qkcofse)
- "Noise Against Racism" digital album, 2017
- "No More Gun Violence Vol. 2" digital album, 2016
- "O" CD/digital album, 2017
- "O-Bits" CD/digital album, 2017
- "1 minute autohypnosis - 35th" CD, 2016
- "Procrastinoise" digital album, 2023
- "Radio Nautilus" digital album, 2018
- "Rocket In My Pocket" digital album, 2023
- "Sonic Disarticulation" digital album, 2023
- "Sonic Scraps (For Trudy)" digital album. 2019 (with {AN} EeL)
- "23 Seconds Ov Time Vol. 11" digital album, 2015
- "Two Halves: Volume One" digital album, 2017 (with Christopher Petkus)
- "Two Halves: Volume Two" digital album, 2017 (with Sheila Scoville)
- "Two Halves: Volume Three" digital album, 2018 (with The Dream Sequins)
- "Two Halves Volume 8" digital album, 2021 (with Pendro)
- "Two Halves (Vol. 9)" digital album, 2023 (with Muwn)
- "What Do We Want? The End. When Do We Want It? Nigh" digital album, 2023 (with {AN} EeL and Odorbaby)
full-lengths, EPs, singles:
- "Coat Hanger Rehearsals" CD, 2019
- "Walking In Rhythm" 3" CD, 2015
- "Walking In Rhythm" (reissue) digital album, 2020
split releases:
- "EC Split 15" digital album, 2020 (split with Furchick)
broadcasts (radio, television, internet):
- "Fae Ma Bit Tae Ur Bit #18" radio program, Resonance Extra FM, 2017 (with Dylan Nyoukis and others) (https://www.mixcloud.com/resonanceextra/fae-ma-bit-tae-ur-bit-monday-14th-august-2017-20170814/)
- "Fae Ma Bit Tae Ur Bit #33" radio program, Resonance Extra FM, 2018 (https://www.mixcloud.com/resonanceextra/fae-ma-bit-tae-ur-bit-33-thursday-the-20th-of-december-2018/)
- "Fae Ma Bit Tae Ur Bit #71" radio program, Resonance Extra FM, 2022 (with Dylan Nyoukis and others) (https://www.mixcloud.com/resonanceextra/fae-ma-bit-tae-ur-bit-71-17th-november-2022/)
- "Institute Of Spectra-Sonic Sound" radio program, Nov. 21, 2020 KEPW, Eugene, OR, USA (https://www.mixcloud.com/spectrasonicsound/the-institute-of-spectra-sonic-sound-112120/)
- "Local Arts and Strange Music" radio program, Jan. 23, 2018, Edge Radio, Hobart, Australia (https://omny.fm/shows/local-arts-and-strange-music/episode-2018-01-23-21-00-00?in_playlist=podcast)
- "Muhmur Radio" radio program, July 23, 2015, Soundart Radio, UK (https://www.mixcloud.com/muhsteve/muhmur-radio-soundart-radio-broadcast-230715/)
- "Liber Limbia Vol. 454 Chapter 1" podcast, July 17, 2018 (with {AN} EeL) (https://www.mixcloud.com/LiberLimbia/liber-limbia-vol-454-chapter-1-sky-witch-and-pill-box-party-space-natives-visions-lines/)
W.A.Davison (solo and collaborations)
performance documents (video):
- "Ad Hoc, Centurion Pub, 2003", 2024 (with Johannes Bergmark and others)
- "Aldcroft Campbell Davison Prevost, Toronto, 2007", 2024 (with Eddie Prevost, Rod Campbell, and Ken Aldcroft)
- "audiopollination #35.2 set 3", 2015 (with Tiina Kiik and Zach Clark)
- "audiopollination 53.1 William Davison / Mark Gane / Ambrose Pottie / Eugene Martynec", 2017 (with Mark Gane, Ambrose Pottie, and Eugene Martynec)
- "Audiopollination 61 - Davison Shapiro Wiernik", 2018 (with Lorne Shapiro and Neil Wiernik)
- "Audiopollination 64.1 set 1:Paolo Gàiba Riva/ Mira Martin-gray/ William Davison", 2018 (with Paolo Gaiba Riva and Mira Martin-Gray)
- "Audiopollination set 4 nov 2022: Heraclitus Akimbo/ William Davison/ Daria Morgacheva", 2022 (with Joe Strutt and Daria Morgacheva)
- "Bergmark Bohman Davison Morton, Bonnington Centre, 2003", 2024 (with Johannes Bergmark, Jonathan Bohman, and Phil Morton)
- "Bergmark Davison, Bonnington Centre, 2003", 2024 (with Johannes Bergmark)
- "Bergmark Davison Hood, Centurion Pub, 2003, set 1", 2024 (with Johannes Bergmark and Paul Hood)
- "Bergmark Davison Hood, Centurion Pub, 2003, set 2", 2024 (with Johannes Bergmark and Paul Hood)
- "Bergmark Davison Shearsmith, The Klinker, London, 2003", 2024 (with Johannes Bergmark and Paul Shearsmith)
- "Bergmark Davison, The Klinker, 2003", 2024 (with Johannes Bergmark)
- "Bergmark Davison Wren, Free Radicals, London, 2003", 2024 (with Johannes Bergmark and Tony Wren)
- "Bergmark, Hood, Davison July 2003" (3 parts), 2008 (with Johannes Bergmark and Paul Hood)
- "Bergmark Morton Davison, Bonnington Centre, 2003", 2024 (with Johannes Bergmark and Phil Morton)
- "Cameron/Davison, Tranzac, Aug. 15/18", 2018 (with Allison Cameron)
- "cONVENIENCE/Davison 2018.06.24 Duet", 2018 (with tENTATIVELY a. cONVENIENCE)
- "Davison Dutton Krakowiak, Somewhere There, 2010", 2024 (with Paul Dutton and Tomasz Krakowiak)
- "Davison Morton, Bonnington Centre, 2003", 2024 (with Phil Morton)
- "Dutton Davison Mar. 15/10" (4 parts), 2010 (with Paul Dutton)
- "An Evening of Improvisation, Chance Encounters and Experiments in Sound", 2015
- "Intersection Jam Armpit Cam", 2020 (with Brian Ruryk)
- "noise guitar set, 61 Major St., Toronto, 2007 (re-edit)", 2024
- "Olive Cameron Davison", 2019 (with Tim Olive and Allison Cameron)
- "Paul Dutton William Davison, Toronto, 2010", 2024 (with Paul Dutton)
- "Peppi Guggenheim, 2013", 2024 (with Johannes Bergmark, Michelle Yom, Tippi Tillvind)
- "Sasquatch improv @ Silence Guelph", 2015 (with Neal Retke, James Bailey, Micheal Lynn, Bob Vespaziani, and The Visit)
- "Six Heads at Red Rose, London 2002" video by Johannes Bergmark, 2014 (title and date are incorrect)
- "Torres/Davison performance April 12/09", 2009 (with Pau Torres)
- "W.A.Davison noise guitar" (6 parts), 2007
- "W.A.Davison, prepared guitar, Tranzac Club, May 12, 2024", 2024
- "William Davison - ‘Excerpt I’ 5.12.24, Tranzac, Toronto", 2024
- "William Davison - ‘Excerpt II’, 5.12.24, Tranzac, Toronto", 2024
- "William Davison/Mike Hansen/Alex Fournier @ SynCirSundays", 2022 (with Mike Hansen and Alex Fournier)
- "William Davison + Phil Morton at Bonnington's 2003", 2013 (with Phil Morton)
performance documents (audio):
- "Audiopollination 14.1" digital album, 2014 (with Bob Vespaziani)
- "Audiopollination #22.2" digital album, 2014 (with Aaron Leaney)
- "Audiopollination #28.3" digital album, 2015 (with Maxwell Boecker and others)
- "Audiopollination #45.1 with Sandy Ewen" digital album, 2016 (with Sandy Ewen, Alan Bloor, and Michael Lynn)
- "Dame Cook and William Davison Live at SynapticCircusSundays, November 10, 2019" digital album, 2019 (with Dame Cook)
- "Alienation" performance by BMZ, 1996
- "Dancing The River" video by Cheryl Zinyk and Linda Feesey, 2009
- "De Tranen Van Eros" video by Jan Kees Helms, 2009
- Contribution to Alex Moskos soundtrack for "La Mort Des Soleils" video, 2010
- "Specimen" performance/exhibition by Louise Liliefeldt, 2001
- Contribution to soundtrack for "tENTATIVELY a. cONVENIENCE 365" video, 2019
films and videos:
- "Bill Satan" film, 1993
- "Carnival Scene" film, 1996
- "Car-Toon" video, 2016
- "Cathode Ray Dream (W.H.T.J.W.P.)" film, 1991
- "C.O.C." film, 1991
- "Combination Head" film, 1986
- "Composition with Objects And 5 Drops" video, 2018
- "Death's Head" film, 1993
- "Door Loop" film, 1997
- "Fly" film, 1993
- "Garden" film, 1991
- "Genital Mash" film, 1994
- "In The Trees" film, 1996
- "Isotopes" video, 2016
- "Leg Loop" film, 1992
- "Mask Loop" film, 1997
- "Microphone Drag" video, 2018
- "Neoist Loop Series" film, 1992
- "Parallel Planes/Coinciding Planes" film, 1992
- "Percussion Layers" video, 2015
- "Pixel" film, 1991
- "Pornography 1" film, 1990
- "Pornography 2" film, 1994
- "Program" film, 1993
- "Red Blanket" film, 1991
- "Red Branches" video, 2021
- "R.P.M." film, 1991
- "Scratch Film" film, 1995
- "Shed 26" film, 1990
- "The Shelf" video, 2016
- "Skinned" film, 1987
- "Skull" film, 1991
- "Solo Duet With Amplified Objects And Electronics Jan. 2022" video installation/streaming, 2022
- "Station" film, 1993
- "Test Pattern" film, 1990
- "Toy Piano" video, 2016
- "Tree" video, 2017
- "World's Most Primitive Record Player" video, 2008
compilation appearances:
- "Dictaphonia 1" microcassette, 2009
- "And Them Be Hippo'sters..." digital album, 2023
- "Connection Cassette Compilation #5" cassette and digital album, 2012
- "Classwar Karaoke 0030" digital album, 2015 (with Jonny Martin)
- "Carbon Cult Compilation Tape #1" cassette, 1985
- "{EeL}~ Ixer - Vol 1 ::Performance Relic" digital album, 2016 (with {AN} EeL)
- "Electronic Cottage Audio Exquisite Corpse" CD and digital album, 2018
- "Electronic Cottage Compilation 004" CD and digital album, 2018
- "Electronic Cottage Compilation 5" digital album, 2019 (with Shaun Robert)
- "Noise Pals" digital album, 2020
- "A Poetry of Sound ( Vol ??? )" digital album, 2018 (with {AN} EeL)
- "Tape For Dave" cassette, 1986
- "Tape For Dave" cassette, 1986 (with G.C.Denton)
- "23 Seconds Ov Time Vol. 9" digital album, 2014
- "Unbecoming" CD, 1993
full-lengths, EPs, singles:
- "Automated Interchange Pileup" digital album + CD, 2025 (with Hal McGee)
- "500" digital album, 2025
- "Glyph" digital album, 2020 (with Bob Vespaziani)
- "The Long Play 1" (reissue) digital album, 2024
- "The Long Play 2" (reissue) digital album, 2025
- "Plyas Het Giutra" CD, 2006
- "Plyas Het Giutra" (reissue) digital album, 2023
- "The Prostitution Of Originality" CD, 2010 (with John Gore, Zan Hoffman, Anton Mobin)
- "Solos, Duos, Trio" digital album, 2018 (with Glenn Sogge and Wilfried Hanrath)
- "Stactorm Radioo 1" (reissue) digital album, 2022
- "Stactorm Radioo 2" (reissue) digital album, 2023
- "Stactorm Radioo 3" (reissue) digital album, 2023
- "Stactorm Radioo 4" (reissue) digital album, 2023
- "Stactorm Radioo 5" (reissue) digital album, 2023
- "Stactorm Radioo 6" (reissue) digital album, 2023
- "Stactorm Radioo 7" (reissue) digital album, 2023
- "Stactorm Radioo 8" (reissue) digital album, 2023
- "Stactorm Radioo 9" (reissue) digital album, 2024
- "Stactorm Radioo 10" (reissue) digital album, 2024
- "Stactorm Radioo 11" (reissue) digital album, 2024
- "Stactorm Radioo 12" (reissue) digital album, 2024
- "Stactorm Radioo 1 + 2" cassette, 2017
- "W.A.Davison - Soundtracks" cassette, 1996
broadcasts (radio, television, internet):
- "The Long Play - Episode 1" radio art, 2018
- "The Long Play - Episode 2" radio art, 2018
- "The Long Play - Episode 3" radio art, 2018
- "The Long Play - Episode 4" radio art, 2018
- "The Long Play - Episode 5" radio art, 2018
- "The Long Play - Episode 6" radio art, 2018
- "The Long Play - Episode 7" radio art, 2018
- "The Long Play - Episode 8" radio art, 2018
- "The Long Play - Episode 9" radio art, 2018
- "The Long Play - Episode 10" radio art, 2018
- "The Long Play - Episode 11" radio art, 2018
- "The Long Play - Episode 12" radio art, 2018
- "RE/CYCLING 01" radio art, 2020
- "RE/CYCLING 02" radio art, 2020
- "RE/CYCLING 03" radio art, 2020
- "RE/CYCLING 04" radio art, 2020
- "RE/CYCLING 05" radio art, 2020
- "RE/CYCLING 06" radio art, 2020
- "RE/CYCLING 07" radio art, 2020
- "RE/CYCLING 08" radio art, 2020
- "RE/CYCLING 09" radio art, 2020
- "RE/CYCLING 10" radio art, 2020
- "RE/CYCLING 11" radio art, 2020
- "RE/CYCLING 12" radio art, 2020
- "A Small Beam Of Light Against A Mirror" radio art commision, 2005
- "Stactirrm Radioo #1" radio art, 2019 (with Matt Waldron)
- "Stactirrm Radioo #2" radio art, 2019 (with Matt Waldron)
- "Stactirrm Radioo #3" radio art, 2019 (with Matt Waldron)
- "Stactirrm Radioo #4" radio art, 2019 (with Matt Waldron)
- "Stactirrm Radioo #5" radio art, 2019 (with Matt Waldron)
- "Stactirrm Radioo #6" radio art, 2019 (with Matt Waldron)
- "Stactirrm Radioo #7" radio art, 2019 (with Matt Waldron)
- "Stactirrm Radioo #8" radio art, 2019 (with Matt Waldron)
- "Stactirrm Radioo #9" radio art, 2019 (with Matt Waldron)
- "Stactirrm Radioo #10" radio art, 2019 (with Matt Waldron)
- "Stactirrm Radioo #11" radio art, 2019 (with Matt Waldron)
- "Stactirrm Radioo #12" radio art, 2019 (with Matt Waldron)
- "Stactorm Radioo #1" radio art, 2017
- "Stactorm Radioo #2" radio art, 2017
- "Stactorm Radioo #3" radio art, 2017
- "Stactorm Radioo #4" radio art, 2017
- "Stactorm Radioo #5" radio art, 2017
- "Stactorm Radioo #6" radio art, 2017
- "Stactorm Radioo #7" radio art, 2017
- "Stactorm Radioo #8" radio art, 2017
- "Stactorm Radioo #9" radio art, 2017
- "Stactorm Radioo #10" radio art, 2017
- "Stactorm Radioo #11" radio art, 2017
- "Stactorm Radioo #12" radio art, 2017
- "Track Could Bend #63" livestream, 2022 (with Bob Vespaziani)
- "Institute Of Spectra-Sonic Sound" radio program, June 20, 2020, KEPW, Eugene, OR, USA (with Bob Vespaziani) (https://www.mixcloud.com/spectrasonicsound/the-institute-of-spectra-sonic-sound-62020/)
- "Institute Of Spectra-Sonic Sound" radio program, July 21, 2018, KEPW, Eugene, OR, USA (https://www.mixcloud.com/spectrasonicsound/the-institute-of-spectra-sonic-sound-72118/)
- "Institute Of Spectra-Sonic Sound" radio program, May 12, 2018, KEPW, Eugene, OR, USA (https://www.mixcloud.com/spectrasonicsound/the-institute-of-spectra-sonic-sound-51218/)
- "Institute Of Spectra-Sonic Sound" radio program, Mar. 31, 2018, KEPW, Eugene, OR, USA (https://www.mixcloud.com/spectrasonicsound/the-institute-of-spectra-sonic-sound-33118/)
- "Muhmur Radio" radio program, Dec. 12, 2013, Soundart Radio, UK (https://www.mixcloud.com/muhsteve/muhmur-soundart-radio-broadcast-12122013/)
- "Muhmur Radio" radio program, July 6, 2023, Soundart Radio, UK (https://www.mixcloud.com/tamsin-jane-cammack/muhmur-radio-broadcast-6-july-2023/)
- "Pakrammel" radio program, April 11, 2019, Concertzender Radio, NL (https://www.concertzender.nl/programma/pakrammel_500237/)
- "The Quadrant" radio program, April 11, 2018, UK/Belgium (https://soundcloud.com/entracte/entracte-the-quadrant-series-two-episode-eight)
- "Radiophrenia Festival 2017" radio art, 2017
- "Radiophrenia Festival 2020" radio art, 2020
- "Short Circuits - A Festival of Radiophonic Interruptions 1996" radio art, 1996
Ex Oblivione (W.A.Davison, S.Higgins, S.MacDonald)
full-lengths, EPs, singles:
- "Ex Oblivione" cassette, 1994
compilation appearances:
- "Anathemata" cassette, 1993
Exquisite Corpse (solo project)
compilation appearances:
- "Tape For Dave" cassette, 1986
Magic Tits (W.A.Davison and various collaborators/members)
full-lengths, EPs, singles:
- "Stit Cigam" CD, 2010
compilation appearances:
- "Cheap and Plastic" digital album, 2012
films and videos:
- "Magic Tits -- Untitled", 2017
Panic Engines (solo project)
full-lengths, EPs, singles:
- "A Box On Angles, Thin Arms Extended Irons" cassette, 2013
- "A Box On Angles, Thin Arms Extended Irons" (reissue) digital album, 2016
- "A Frame Of Eyes In Flesh Red Detonations" digital album, 2017
- "A Frame Of Eyes In Flesh Red Detonations" (reissue) digital album, 2021
- "Ten Thousand Sleep In A Dry, Cracked Voice" 3" CD, 2014
- "Ten Thousand Sleep In A Dry, Cracked Voice" (reissue) digital album, 2017
compilation appearances:
- "A Decade Down" digital album, 2018
- "Quiet Drones 9" digital album, 2018
broadcasts (radio, television, internet):
- "No Pigeonholes EXP 3-28-24" radio program, KOWS-FM, Occidental, CA, USA (https://www.podomatic.com/podcasts/nopigeonholesexp/episodes/2024-03-27T12_39_26-07_00)
Six Heads (W.A.Davison, S.Higgins, C.Hinz, J.Bailey, L.Feesey, P.Mosher and occasional collaborators)
full-lengths, EPs, singles:
- "Cardboard Oracle" LP, 2011
- "Ether" cassette, 2007
- "Official Bootleg" cassette, 2011
- "The Popeye Scat" cassette, 2009
- "Six Heads or the Appearance of Hairs Band" CD, 2001
- "Six Heads or the Appearance of Hairs Band" (reissue) digital album, 2010
- "Sirr(xt.) Heapp.ds (irr. app. (ext.) & Six Heads) [??]" cassette, 2014 (with irr. app. (ext.))
- "Small, Rubber Voice from the Spectral Furnace" CD, 2003
- "Snuffles" CD, 2010
- "Toothless Pronouncements" cassette, 2013
broadcasts (radio, television, internet):
- "The Clear Spot 2003" radio art, 2003
- "Electric Storm 2002" radio art, 2002
- "Electric Storm/A Missing Sense 2008" radio art, 2008
- "A Missing Sense 2011" radio art, 2011
- "L'Intempestive" radio program, Feb. 22, 2012, Radio Galère, Marseille, France (https://www.intempestive.net/la-psychiatrisation-des)
- "Muhmur Radio" radio program, Dec. 12, 2013, Soundart Radio, UK (https://www.mixcloud.com/muhsteve/muhmur-soundart-radio-broadcast-12122013/)
- "Muhmur Radio" radio program, April 27, 2017, Soundart Radio, UK (https://www.mixcloud.com/muhsteve/muhmur-radio-soundart-radio-broadcast-27042017/)
- "Muhmur Radio" radio program, July 20, 2023, Soundart Radio, UK (https://www.mixcloud.com/tamsin-jane-cammack/muhmur-radio-broadcast-20-june-2023/)
compilation appearances:
- "Death Match" 4 CD box set, 2016
- "La Chasse A L'Objet Du Desir" exhibition catalogue and CD, 2014
- "Fug Gum Vol. 2" CD, 2013
- "The Other Side Of Sarfsalo" digital album, 2013
- "Readymade Mondo Anthem!" cassette, 2016
- "Spleenic Injuries" double cassette, 2013
performance documents (video):
- "Electric Eclectics 5", 2010
- "Renaissance Heads", 2008
- "Six Heads, 61 Major, 2008", 2024
- Contribution to soundtrack for "Mr. Kafka's Holiday" video by Linda Feesey, 2002
split releases:
- "Sideways/U.R.G. 4 (Construct)" cassette, 2019 (split with Urban Refuse Group)
films and videos:
- "six heads – harmonica solo in black bean sauce, necrotized organ favorites (2013)" video, 2016
- "Six Heads - Six Heads Or The Appearance Of Hairs Band" video, 2023
Slow Twitch (solo project)
compilation appearances:
- "Frowns Of Fortune" cassette, 1986
- "Tape For Dave" cassette, 1986
Songs of the New Erotics (mostly solo project with occasional collaborator/member S.Higgins)
full-lengths, EPs, singles:
- "Acrid Maltreats" digital album, 2007
- "Bobby" CD, 2006
- "Bobby" (reissue) digital album, 2021
- "Japanese Ghosts" CD, 2012
- "Japanese Ghosts" (reissue) digital album, 2021
- "There walked slowly from time to black rosettes, golden eye breathing it in, and they to spring" digital album, 2022
- "While The Architect Was Sleeping" CD, 2005
- "While The Architect Was Sleeping" (reissue) digital album, 2021
compilation appearances:
- "Art Sickness 1" cassette, 1996
- "Disembraining Songs Demo - Feb. '94" cassette, 1994
- "Disembraining Songs Demo - Feb. '94" (reissue) digital album, 2022
- "La Chasse A L'Objet Du Desir" exhibition catalogue and CD, 2014
- "Drones, Thrones and Autognomes" cassette, 1998
- "Études de l'oeuvre de Christian Renou en Brume" digital album, 2022
- "Instrumental Compilation 1" cassette, 1997
- "Macrocephalous Compost 2" VHS, 1995
- "Macrocephalous Compost 2" (reissue) DVD, 2006
- "Multi-Purpose Saws" CD, 1997
- "Multi-Purpose Saws" (reissue) digital album, 2015?
- "Patricide 7 - Surrinema" book and DVD, 2014
- "Possible Explanation" digital album, 2022
- "The Quiet Space" cassette, 1998
- "Sloppy Seconds" digital album, 2007
broadcasts (radio, television, internet):
- "Crooked Stylus" radio program, June 8, 2007, totallyradio.com (https://www.totallyradio.com/shows/crooked-stylus/episodes/76999)
- "Epiphenomenal Suitcase" radio art, 1996
- "The Misery Bag: Ergotic Concert No. 1" radio art, 1993
- "Z Comme Réseau (le mail art)" L'Oeil Du Cyclone (television program), Canal +, France, 1994 (https://vimeo.com/43908393)
- "In Conversation with The Hearing Trumpet", Noisextra podcast, Feb. 21, 2024, USA (https://www.noisextra.com/2024/02/21/in-conversation-with-the-hearing-trumpet/)
- "Muhmur Radio" radio program, Dec. 12, 2013, Soundart Radio, UK (https://www.mixcloud.com/muhsteve/muhmur-soundart-radio-broadcast-12122013/)
- "Muhmur Radio" radio program, Jan. 21, 2021, Soundart Radio, UK (https://www.mixcloud.com/muhsteve/muhmur-radio-broadcast-21-january-2021/)
films and videos:
- "Broadcasts and Solar Interruptions" VHS, 1994
- "Origami Meat Play" video, 1992
- "SONGS OF THE NEW EROTICS ACRID MALTREATS (musique concrete / electroacoustic / noise / drone)" video, 2022
- "Macrocephalous Compost II" video, 2018
performance documents (video):
- "DU(BU)ET", 2010
- "The Lovers", 2002
- "Merzkopf", 2010
- "Merzkopf, Hamilton, 1996", 2024
- "Songs of the New Erotics improvisation, June, 2010", 2024
- "Songs of the New Erotics, New Works Studio, 2005", 2024
- "S.O.T.N.E. "Epiphenomenal Suitcase" 2004", 2024
- "tiny gifts" (re-edit), 2023
Sotto Voce (solo project)
compilation appearances:
- "Anathemata" cassette, 1993
M.Stactor (solo project)
performance documents (video):
- "Stactor, 7/24 Video, Toronto, 2009", 2024
- "Clubbb Dreaddd June 6/09", 2009
- "Stactor Live @ Epsilonia", 2013
- "Herky Jerky", 2011
- "M.Stactor 355.NOISE.2 Dictaphonia Fest pre-show noise Gainesville experimental" (video by Hal McGee), 2009
- "M.Stactor Nov. 6/09" (2 parts), 2009
- "Null Space 10/08", 2008
- "Stactor at Dictaphonia", 2020
compilation appearances:
- "CD Punk Revolutions Vol. 3" cassette/digital album, 2014 (with C.Crockett, J.Horwood, A.Zukerman)
- "Dictaphonia 5" microcassette, 2009
- "Dictaphonia Fest" microcassette, 2009
- "International Email Audio Art Project Vol. 2" digital album, 2010
- "Sounds Of Toronto" CD, 2006
full-lengths, EPs, singles:
- "Drill" 3" CD, 2013
- "Drill" (reissue) digital album, 2022
- "MOMATAPE 2013" microcassette and digital album, 2013
- "Thrombling" CD, 2009
- "Thrombling" (reissue) digital album, 2021
broadcasts (radio, television, internet):
- "Epsilonia" radio program, Radio Libertaire, Paris, France, 2013 (https://epsilonia-radio.blogspot.com/ + https://youtu.be/pKFhm_yDrVg?si=Nz2--xI7ewbXEDwb)
films and videos:
- "Stactor - Broken Record Over Ultravox (with Krueger Prototype)" video, 2014
The Subterraneans (W.A.Davison, with occassional collaborator G.C.Denton)
compilation appearances:
- "Frowns Of Fortune" cassette, 1986
- "Tape For Dave" cassette, 1986
Third-Eye Tractor (solo project)
compilation appearances:
- "Carbon Cult Compilation Tape #1" cassette, 1985
- "Disembraining Songs Demo - Feb. '94" cassette, 1994
- "Disembraining Songs Demo - Feb. '94" (reissue) digital album, 2022
- "A Doomsday Transmission" cassette, 1995
- "Frowns Of Fortune" cassette, 1986
- "Tape For Dave" cassette, 1986
the tiled room (solo project)
full-lengths, EPs, singles:
- "the tiled room" cassette, 1994
Unwanted Limbs (solo project)
compilation appearances:
- "Frowns Of Fortune" cassette, 1986
Urban Refuse Group (W.A.Davison and numerous collaborators/members)
split releases:
- "Sideways/U.R.G. 4 (Construct)" cassette, 2019 (split with Six Heads)
full-lengths, EPs, singles:
- "U.R.G. 1 (Response)" cassette, 1996
- "U.R.G. 1 (Response)" (reissue) digital album, 2022
- "U.R.G. 2 (Transmission)" cassette, 1997
- "U.R.G. 3 (Collision)" CD, 2011
broadcasts (radio, television, internet):
- "Art On Air 1997" radio art, 1997
- "Jazzebel 1997" radio art, 1997
- "A Missing Sense 1997" radio art, 1997
- "A Missing Sense 1999" radio art, 1999
- "Temporary Nice Place 1996" radio art, 1996
performance documents (video):
- "Toronto Vs Tokyo" (2 parts), 2008
films and videos:
- "U.R.G. Discuss Their Apparatus" video, 2015
Wax (solo project)
full-lengths, EPs, singles:
- "Contusions on the Skin of Sleep" cassette, 1992
- "Contusions on the Skin of Sleep" (reissue) double CD, 2005
Wicker Men (W.A.Davison and collaborators)
full-lengths, EPs, singles:
- "the wire cage" cassette, 1993
Th W rbl r (solo project)
full-lengths, EPs, singles:
- "A Bundle Of Nerves" cassette, 2014
- "A Bundle Of Nerves" (reissue) digital album, 2022
- "Then I Saw Your Smile" CD, 2007
- "Time Slips" cassette, 2013
- "Time Slips" (reissue) digital album, 2022
performance documents (video):
- "Discipline X meets Th W rbl r", 2013
- "Live at The Sail Shop 06/09", 2009
compilation appearances:
- "Peak The Source Volume 3" digital album, 2011
- "Street Liquors" CD, 2010
2) Projects co-founded by W.A.Davison.
A Skeleton (W.A.Davison, G.C.Denton, Joanne Hatfield)
compilation appearances:
- "Frowns Of Fortune" cassette, 1986
- "Tape For Dave" cassette, 1986
Cabin Fever (W.A.Davison + G.C.Denton)
compilation appearances:
- "Carbon Cult Compilation Tape #1" cassette, 1985
Cinder (W.A.Davison, Daeve Fellows, Nigel Craig)
full-lengths, EPs, singles:
- "Cinder" digital album, 2011
Clots (W.A.Davison + G.C.Denton)
compilation appearances:
- "Tape For Dave" cassette, 1986
Conspiracy Of Familiar Objects (W.A.Davison, Jon Shapiro, Andrew Zukerman)
split releases:
- "C.O.F.O./Wether" cassette, 2007 (split with Wether)
performance documents (video):
- "Conspiracy of Familiar Objects - 20080401 - Toronto, Ont", 2008
- "Conspiracy Of Familiar Objects, 8.8.07, R.R*. Excerpt II", 2007
- "Conspiracy Of Familiar Objects, 8.8.07, R.R*. Excerpt III", 2007
- "Conspiracy of Familiar Objects, live @ 61 Major St, Oct. 30 2006", 2009
- "Conspiracy Of Familiar Objects Live @ Rancho Relaxo 8.8.07", 2007
full-lengths, EPs, singles:
- "Haineyyyyyyyyyy" CD, 2014
- "No Greek" CD, 2007
compilation appearances:
- "Street Liquors" CD, 2010
Eel Prongs (W.A.Davison + Neal Retke)
full-lengths, EPs, singles:
- "Big Prongs" digital album, 2025 (released as Bim Prongs/{AN} EeL)
- "Eel Prongs" CD and digital album, 2019
films and videos:
- "Tongues" video, 2020
- "Combined Improvisations" video album, 2021
broadcasts (radio, television, internet):
- "Muhmur Radio" radio program, Oct. 26, 2023, Soundart Radio, UK (https://www.mixcloud.com/muhsteve/muhmur-radio-broadcast-26-october-2023/)
FADE/DISSOLVE (W.A.Davison, Gordon Way, David Story)
films and videos:
- "Approaching The Centre" video, 2020
- "Causality Dilemma, With Infinite Regress" video, 2021
- "The Conquest Of Silence" video, 2019
- "A Cry, Uttered At One End Of The Room" video, 2020
- "Empty Waiting" video, 2019
- "A Fleeting Uneasiness" video, 2020
- "Guided By Opportunity" video, 2020
- "Ice Fields" video, 2020
- "Interior Mirror" video, 2020
- "I Want To File A Complaint Somewhere" video, 2019
- "Let's Move No More" video, 2019
- "The Low Hum Of Instinct" video, 2020
- "Midway Horror (It Lives Amongst Us)" video, 2019
- "Obscure Appetite" video, 2020
- "The Performance Of Agitating Operations" video, 2020
- "Saudade" video, 2019
- "Scraps That Fall" video, 2019
- "The Torment Of Parting" video, 2019
- "Undecided About The Details" video, 2021
compilation appearances:
- "Zouhy" digital album, 2021
HDH (W.A.Davison, Mark Hamilton, Scott Hamilton)
compilation appearances:
- "Tape For Dave" cassette, 1986
Hydrogen Jukebox (W.A.Davison, G.C.Denton, Rob Denton, Mark Hamilton, Stephen Maher)
compilation appearances:
- "Carbon Cult Compilation Tape #1" cassette, 1985
- "Tape For Dave" cassette, 1986
The Love Eaters (W.A.Davison + S.Higgins)
compilation appearances:
- "Ode To Oxide" cassette, 1993
NoKturne (W.A.Davison + G.C.Denton)
compilation appearances:
- "Carbon Cult Compilation Tape #1" cassette, 1985
- "Tape For Dave" cassette, 1986
Sen/Son (W.A.Davison + Arnd Jurgensen)
performance documents (video):
- "Sen/Son at Art Bar", 2019
Sounds of North American Adult Bookstores (Andrew Zukerman, Jacob Horwod, W.A.Davison)
full-lengths, EPs, singles:
- "Mermaid In A Manhole" CD, 2005
Stactor McGee (W.A.Davison + Hal McGee)
full-lengths, EPs, singles:
- "Banjo Problems" cassette and digital album, 2012
Thumping Puppets (W.A.Davison + G.C.Denton, with collaborators/members Rob Denton and Mark Hamilton)
compilation appearances:
- "Carbon Cult Compilation Tape #1" cassette, 1985
- "Frowns Of Fortune" cassette, 1986
- "Tape For Dave" cassette, 1986
Ugly Trout (W.A.Davison + G.C.Denton)
compilation appearances:
- "Carbon Cult Compilation Tape #1" cassette, 1985
Wax infant (W.A.Davison + Jim Dejong)
full-lengths, EPs, singles:
- "Wax Infant"cassette, 1994
- "Window 3" digital album, 2020
films and videos:
- "Wax Infant - Window 3 (excerpt)" video, 2020
broadcasts (radio, television, internet):
- "Muhmur Radio" radio program, April 27, 2017, Soundart Radio, UK (https://www.mixcloud.com/muhsteve/muhmur-radio-soundart-radio-broadcast-27042017/)
compilation appearances:
- "Various 500" LP, 1998
3) Other people's projects including W.A.Davison as a member.
Electronic Cottage (Hal McGee and various members of the Electronic Cottage online community)
broadcasts (radio, television, internet):
- "Blurred and Obscured" radio program, Jan. 4, 2019, WFMU, New Jersey, USA (https://wfmu.org/playlists/shows/83420)
Gastric Female Reflex (Andrew Zukerman, Jacob Horwood, and various early collaborators/members)
split releases:
- "Crank Sturgeon/GFR split" 7-inch record, 2005 (split with Crank Sturgeon)
full-lengths, EPs, singles:
- "Lovers In The Midst Of Eating Fries" LP, 2006
- "Nairobi Piece" CD, 2005
- "Page Out Of Scatophilic Locker Room Drama" CD, 2006
- "Pizza Hocus Pocus" CD, 2004
- "She's A Good Girl, So Meet Her Parents" CD, 2004
- "She's A Good Girl, So Meet Her Parents" (reissue) CD, 2005
- "Three EP's" CD, 2004
broadcasts (radio, television, internet):
- "The Eternal Now" radio program, November 22, 2012, WFMU (https://wfmu.org/playlists/AO)
- "Muhmur Radio" radio program, Dec. 12, 2013, Soundart Radio, UK (https://www.mixcloud.com/muhsteve/muhmur-soundart-radio-broadcast-12122013/)
performance documents (video):
- "Gastric Female Reflex, Drake Hotel, 2004", 2024
Orchestre Royal Odradek (Michaelangelo Iaffaldano and collaborators/members)
full-lengths, EPs, singles:
- "Musiques Rituelles de l'Ontario du Sud" CD, 2009
Phycus (Brian Damage and numerous collaborators/menbers)
full-lengths, EPs, singles:
- "360" digital album, 2016?
- "Brainmower" CD, 1995
- "Brainmower" (reissue) digital album, 2016?
- "Brainmower: Art Damage Remaster" (reissue) digital album, 2020
- "Bring Me The Brain Of Kurt Cobain" cassette, 1995
- "Bring Me The Brain Of Kurt Cobain" (reissue) digital album, 2016?
- "Buttmower" cassette, 1996
- "Buttmower" (reissue) digital album, 2016?
- "Crowleywood" digital album, 2020
- "Demos For Brainmower" digital album, 2016?
- "Demos For Crowleywood" digital album, 2018
- "Demos For Sonderkommando Now" digital album, 2016?
- "Effluviator" cassette, 1993
- "Effluviator" (reissue) digital album, 2015?
- "The Final Stage: Toronto" digital album, 2018
- "Kataklysmix / Illusion of Blood" digital album, 2015?
- "Legacy Of Rust" digital album, 2016?
- "Lumpthz" cassette, 1994
- "Lumpthz" (reissue) digital album, 2015?
- "Music Gallery" digital album, 2016?
- "Only Fire and Death" CD, 1999
- "Only Fire and Death" (reissue) digital album, 2017
- "Rivoli" digital album, 2015?
- "Sado-Kommander Nine" cassette, 1997
- "Sado-Kommander Nine" (reissue) digital album, 2016?
- "Shanghai" digital album, 2016?
- "Six Minutes Of Neoism" digital album, 2015?
- "Sonderkommando Now!" CD, 1996
- "Sonderkommando Now!" (reissue) digital album, 2016?
- "Sonderkommando Now: Art Damage Remaster" digital album, 2021
- "Total" CD 2000
- "Total" (reissue) digital album, 2016?
- "X" 3 LP set, 1998
- "X" (reissue) digital album, 2016?
- "X Demos" digital album, 2016?
- "X96" cassette, 1997
- "X96" (reissue) digital album, 2016?
performance documents (video):
- "I Am The Enemy" 360 Club, Toronto, 1998.", 2017 (with Monty Cantsin)
- "OFAD Pt 4: Phÿcus at the Ontario College of Art and Design, Toronto, 1998", 2017
- "OFAD Pt 5: Phÿcus "If Art Cannot Be Sold Then it Must be Destroyed", Wasteland Malting Co.", 2017
- "OFAD Pt. 6: Phÿcus, "Burn To The Ground", Shanghai Club, Toronto, 1998", 2017
- "Phÿcus: Feel Da Noize. Legacy of Rust Festival, Toronto 1996", 2016
- "Phÿcus "Goat On Your Back" 360 Club, Toronto, 1998", 2017
- "Phÿcus "No More Pain" Zap Club, Brighton, UK, 1994", 2015
- "PHYCUS - P Is For Propaganda", 2009
- "Phÿcus: 'X Day'. Wasteland Malting Co., Toronto 1998", 2016
- "Phÿcus "Yes!", Shanghai Club, Toronto, 1998", 2017
fims and videos:
- "Get On The Drugs" video, 2017
4) Collaborations with other artists or projects.
James Bailey (James Bailey and collaborators)
broadcasts (radio, television, internet):
- James Bailey "Spaced Cage" radio art, 2003
performance documents (video)
- "Zeroworks Jubilee" video, 2025
Esperik Glare (Charlie Martineau and occasional collaborators)
full-lengths, EPs, singles:
- "Despoiled Strands Of Enjoyment" digital album, 2010
- "2010 EP" digital album, 2010
h{EE}l (Neal Retke and collaborators)
full-lengths, EPs, singles:
- "Doff" digital album, 2025
- "Don't Mistake My Weakness For Kindness" digital album, 2024
- "Lividity" digital album, 2025
- "We'll See You In h{EE}l / The 2025 RPM Challenge" digital album, 2025
irr. app. (ext.) (Matt Waldron and occasional collaborators)
full-lengths, EPs, singles:
- "Aspiring To An Empty Gesture, Vol. 1" CD, 2008
- "2023 Monthly Digital Single: NDAS Revisited [February]" digital album, 2023
- "2023 Monthly Digital Single: NDAS Revisited [October]" digital album, 2023
- "2023 Monthly Digital Single: NDAS Revisited [November]" digital album, 2023
performance documents (video):
- "irr. app. (ext.) ft. Nurse With Wound Two Golden Microphones", 2010
Istvan Kantor/Monty Cantsin/Amen (Istvan Kantor and collaborators)
full-lengths, EPs, singles:
- "Heap Of Ruins" CD, 2000
Lorde Awesome (Avery Strok and various collaborators/members)
full-lengths, EPs, singles:
- "In-Between Sounds 16/Music For/Solo Bicycle" digital album, 2012
M.A.S.S. (Scott Righteous and collaborators)
full-lengths, EPs, singles:
- "You Will Never Be Slayer" cassette, 1992
Tatsuya Nakatani Gong Orchestra (Tatsuya Nakatani and collaborators)
full-lengths, EPs, singles:
- "Tatsuya Nakatani Gong Orchestra - Live At The Music Gallery" digital album, 2020
The Normal Mystery Band (Burton Watson and collaborators)
compilation appearances:
- "Frowns Of Fortune" cassette, 1986
Odradek (Michaelangelo Iaffaldano, James Bailey, Andy Yue, and occasional collaborators)
broadcasts (radio, television, internet):
- "The Abstract Index 2009" radio art, 2009
Jaan Patterson (Jaan Patterson and collaborators)
full-lengths, EPs, singles:
- Jaan Patterson "Ergo Protagonists" digital album, 2015
- Jaan Patterson and Friends "The Interviews" digital album, 2015
- Jaan Patterson "Minute Mad(e)" digital album, 2013
fims and videos:
- Jaan Patterson "The Interviews (feat. William Davison)" video, 2015
- Jaan Patterson "Realm of Gestures (feat. William Davison & the Recordists)" video, 2015
- Jaan Patterson "Subterranean Clamor (feat. William Davison)" video, 2015
- Jaan Patterson "Tempted To Lone feat. William Davison" video, 2014
compilation appearances:
- "Classwar Karaoke 0030" digital album, 2015
- "Contemporary Teleportation" digital album, 2014
- "International Email Audio Art Project Vol. 6" digital album, 2011
Puppet Government (Istvan Kantor and collaborators)
performance documents (video):
- "Istvan Kantor / Monty Cantsin "Arena" London 1994", 2015
Roughage (Zev Asher and collaborators)
performance documents (video):
- "Zev Asher's Roughage, Toronto, 2001", 2024
Ron Sakolsky (Ron Sakolsky and collaborators)
films and videos:
- Ron Sakolsky "The Parable of the Horseshoe Crab & the Seagull" video, 2022 (with S.Higgins and Ron Sakolsky)
Thomas Carnacki (Greg Scharpen and collaborators)
full-lengths, EPs, singles:
- "The Disappearance Of This Terrible Spool" CD, 2010
- "Pit-throated Kingfisher" digital album, 2022